Mental Health Counseling
Individual Counseling
Counseling supports people with many different focuses and life dynamics. These are a few of the areas in which counseling can be effective:
* Living life with changed abilities after catastrophic injuries
* Relationship and life transitions
* Interpersonal Communication Skills
* Integrating tools, skills, and practices to maintain a healthy life and emotional balance
* Living life from a strength-based focus

Access Wholeness offers HIPAA compliant tele-counseling and virtual-counseling as options to recognize mobility challenges as well as safety recommendations related to COVID-19.
Please reach out if you are interested in learning more about these options.

About Seija
Seija is passionate about empowering people to step into their ability and capacity. Through Counseling, Life Skills Training or Coaching, Seija assists people to see clearly the dynamics they have the ability to shift in order to experience more favorable results in life and to move forward with greater peace, ease and success.

Are you ready to say "yes" to your most amazing future?
Reach out!
An appointment is a phone call or email away.